
Which courier to choose when sending a parcel from Poland to Ukraine?


We advise.

You want to send a parcel from Poland to Ukraine and you are wondering which courier to choose, DHL or GLS? We have an advice for you.

If you are sending more than one parcel in one day, choose DHL. You will receive an address label to your e-mail address along with the confirmation of parcel registration. By having address labels for all the parcels you send, you will be able to mark them correctly by applying the proper labels to them. When you choose GLS operator, the courier comes to collect your parcels with printed labels and sticks them on the parcels himself. In such a situation, there is a certain risk of mislabelling of parcels.

However, If you are sending only one parcel, choose any courier. Of course, if you don't have a printer, a GLS courier will be a more convenient option for you. This shipping option doesn't require printing an address label.

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