
New parcel shipping route from Ukraine to Germany


Parcel delivery from Ukraine to Germany starting from 535 UAH!

Now you can quickly send your parcels from Ukraine to Germany.

  • It's easy with Meest Post!

  • Prices start at 535 UAH. 

  • Payment is possible in Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH), Euro (EUR), US Dollars (USD), or Polish Zloty (PLN). 

  • Delivery within 6 business days. No need to print a label for parcel shipment. 

  • Wide selection of pickup points in the HERMES network or courier delivery to your address.

How to use this service?

Register your shipment at and bring it to your chosen Meest POSHTA or Nova Poshta location. Provide the shipment number received via SMS to the staff at the pickup point. In Germany, we will deliver the shipment to your chosen HERMES pickup point or by courier to the specified address.

Choose convenience and reliability.

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